Hatteras Village Christmas Parade postponed until Dec. 21 Hatteras Village Christmas Parade postponed until Dec. 21 The annual Hatteras Village Christmas Parade, one of the most anticipated of holiday events on the island, has been postponed by the weather forecast. This year’s parade, scheduled for tomorrow, will be on Saturday, Dec. 21, starting at 2 […]
Local News | Full Article
Ocracoke organizes to fight stormwater – also known as huge puddles in the road

Every time it rains on Ocracoke, islanders and visitors must run a gauntlet of large puddles on the village streets that often last for days before evaporating. This has been going on for many years and Wednesday night, the Ocracoke Civic and Business Association agreed to be the group to try to move forward to […]
Local News | Full Article
DMV, county court clerk announce Hatteras services
The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles’ mobile will make a three-day stay on Hatteras Island. Also, the Dare County Clerk of Court has changed its Hatteras on-site services. The DOT Division of Motor Vehicles will have a special December schedule for the mobile unit’s visit to the island to provide driver’s license services. The […]
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Preliminary scans of Bonner Bridge analyzed, additional tests scheduled for Sunday
The North Carolina Department of Transportation is making significant progress collecting and analyzing the critical information needed to determine the next steps in its effort to reopen the Bonner Bridge in Dare County. Engineers have evaluated the data from sonar scans taken Wednesday at the bridge, as well as the results of the first pile-driving […]
Local News | Full Article
Volunteers fan out on Hatteras and Ocracoke to rescue cold-stunned sea turtles

For most folks, the subject of sea turtles conjures images of nest excavations on the beach and enormous, old turtles gliding along the Gulf Stream, but for many on Hatteras and Ocracoke islands, it also evokes visions of cold-stunned sea turtles stranded along the coast in the winter. Each year, National Park Service rangers and […]
Island Features | Full Article
We all knew it would happen, but…
Where were you when you heard the news that the Bonner Bridge was closing immediately for safety concerns on the afternoon of Tuesday, Dec. 3? Hope you were not up the beach at a doctor?s appointment, taking care of other business, or Christmas shopping. Because some who were had a big hassle getting back to […]
Editor’s Blog | Full Article
BUXTON– Beth Gray Quidley, 84, died on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013 in a NagsHead nursing home. Mrs. Quidley was the daughter of the lateWilliam Andrew and Cora Quidley Gray and was the widow of the lateAmasa Jones Quidley, Jr. She was a homemaker and a member of theLighthouse Assembly of God Church in Buxton. Besides […]
Obituaries | Full Article
Officials address bridge closure concerns at Hatteras Island community meeting

Dare County and North Carolina Department of Transportation officials responded to questions and concerns from Hatteras islanders at a community meeting on Tuesday night in Buxton. The meeting at Cape Hatteras Secondary School auditorium was attended by a standing-room only crowd of folks concerned about the current situation with the closure by DOT of […]
Local News | Full Article
Ferry Division adds evening run on Emergency Route
After hearing from Hatteras Island commuters about the need for an additional early evening run on the Emergency Route between Stumpy Point and Rodanthe, the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Ferry Division has agreed to add a 6:15 p.m. departure from Stumpy Point and an 8:45 departure from Rodanthe beginning Thursday. The commuter concerns were […]
Local News | Full Article
DOT official says Bonner Bridge could open by the weekend

Jerry Jennings, the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s First District engineer, said tonight at a community meeting in Buxton that the Bonner Bridge could open by this weekend or the first of next week. At the meeting at Cape Hatteras Secondary School auditorium, which was attended by a standing-room only crowd, Jennings was reluctant to […]
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