Roughly 50 members from the Hatteras Island community – which included Realtors, business owners, surveyors, local insurance companies, and other professionals – attended a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 12, all about the new preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (or FIRMs) that were introduced on June 30 of last year. The meeting, which was held by […]

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High winds, Arctic temps, and threat of sound flooding still slated for weekend storm

By JOY CRIST The winter storm forecast for this weekend began with late Friday night and early Saturday morning rain, followed with high winds and icy temperatures. The winds and Arctic temperatures are expected to continue into Sunday morning, causing minor water level rises on the Outer Banks soundside from Buxton to Ocracoke. According to […]

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High winds, Arctic temps, and threat of sound flooding still slated for weekend storm

By JOY CRIST Dare County has also started listing cancellations for previously scheduled activities, which can be found here: http://www.darenc.com/departments/emergency-management/dare-county-fire-marshal/winter-weather-tips-1254 For more detailed forecast information, go to www.weather.gov/mhx/ Click here to see the entire 5 p.m. briefing from the National Weather Service.

FEMA extends housing help deadline, but crunch still coming By JOY CRIST

By JOY CRIST A Jan. 7 deadline for FEMA housing assistance for residents who were displaced during October’s Hurricane Matthew has been extended for a number of North Carolina counties, including Dare.   The FEMA Transitional Sheltering Assistance Program provides eligible applicants with lodging assistance in the form of funds and vouchers for hotels or […]

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Commissioners receive completed economic development study

In a special meeting on Monday, Dec. 19, the Dare County Board of Commissioners heard the final presentation of the year-long economic development study that was conducted by outside consultants from North Carolina State, Research Triangle International (RTI) and Economic Leadership LLC. The initiative began in January of 2016, when the board approved $58,640 for […]

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