Below is a list of people who have been arrested on view or with warrants by the Dare County Sheriff’s Office for a felony charge and taken to the Dare County Detention Facility. All subjects are considered innocent until proven guilty. school or anyone located therein. He was arrested without incident.
January 1, 2019
John David Liverman M/41
Fugitive Extradition Other State (F)
January 3, 2019
Greyson Hanford Phillips M/20
Felony Poss Sch VI Cont Subs (F) Poss Marij Para (M)
Flavio Cruz Jimenez M/17
Poss w/Intent Del/Man (F) Felony Poss Marij (F) Poss Marij Para (M)
January 5, 2019
Sara Michelle Beckner F/35
PWIMSD Methamphetamine (F) Maintain Veh/Dwell.Place Controlled Subs (F)
Andrew Felix Jackson M/55
Fugitive Extradition Other State (F)
January 6, 2019
Francis Alexander McDowell M/22
B&E of Auto (F) Larceny x 2 (M) Poss Stolen Property (M)
January 7, 2019
Tyron Lonnett Welch M/41
Poss WISD Cocaine x 2 (F) Maintain Veh/Dwell.Place Controlled Subs x 2 (F)
Heather Renae Burton F/32
Probation Violation out of County (F) FTA Obtain Prop False Pretenses (F) FTA DWLR Not Impaired (M) FTA Poss Stolen Property False Pretenses (M) FTA Misdemeanor Larceny (M)
January 12, 2019
Susan Stacy Cox F/66
Arson, Second Degree (F)
This is a 2015 case from Nags Head Police Department.
January 15, 2019
Megan Kristen Johnson F/25
FTA Speeding (F) FTA Flee/Alude Arrest with MV x 2 (F) Fugitive Extradition Other State (F) Assault Gov Official Employee (M) FTA Poss Marjiuana/Para (M) FTA Poss Marjiuana up to 1/2 oz. (M) FTA Resisting Public Official (M) Surrender of Def by Surety (M)
January 21, 2019
Jeffery Paul Tyx M/33
Felony Poss Cocaine (F) Possession Drug Para (M)
January 22, 2019
Jessica Anne Christine Dean F/26
FTA Felony Poss Sch II CS (F), Poss Sch II Cont Sub (F), FTA Marj up to 1/2 oz (M) FTAM Poss Marj Poss (M), Poss Marj up to 1/2 oz (M) Poss Marj Para (M)
January 23, 2019
Charles Anthony Pinchback M/61
Sell/Del Sch II Controlled Sub (F) Conspire to PWIM SD Sch II Cont Sub (F) Conspire to Sell/Deliver Sch II Cont Substance (F)
January 25, 2019
Lonnie Douglas Merrell M/49
Larceny Merchant Emergency Door (F)
January 28, 2019
Jorge Gabriel Mendez M/26
Felony Poss Cocaine (F) Open Cont After Consume Alc (M) DWI (M)
Jessica Mercedes Baudeloque F/27
Sell/Del Heroin (F)
January 29, 2019
Elijah Clarence Porter M/19
B&E Forced (F) Larceny after B&E (F)
January 30, 2019
Daniel Brent Lail M/33
Poss WIMSD Sch II Contr Sub (F)
Raul Andrades Deoliveira M/58
Gun on Educational Property (F)
This arrest was due to Mr. Deoliveira dropping off a note to the administration office for his child and forgot that he had his handgun on his side. When it is was noticed by Mr. Deoliveira he apologized and left the premises without incident. At no time was there a threat to the school or anyone located therein. He was arrested without incident.