The Community Care Clinic of Dare will be hosting a Health Fair at the Fessenden Center Annex Building on Tuesday, February 4, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The event is free and open to everyone, and includes blood pressure checks, blood glucose screenings, cholesterol checks, and A1C checks (which measures average blood sugar levels), thanks to support from Outer Banks Health.
Other nonprofit organizations will also be in attendance, and appointments are not required to attend the event and get a free health screening.
In addition, the Community Care Clinic of Dare will be expanding their hours at their year-round Frisco Clinic, and will have a provider available to see patients on the second and fourth Thursday of every month.
New patients are welcome, and can schedule an appointment by calling 252-261-3041. Patients are also encouraged to fill out an application by scanning the QR code in the flier below.
The Frisco Clinic is located at the Dare County Department of Public Health, (Across from the EMS Station), at 50347 N.C. Highway 12.
The Health Fair on Feb. 4 will be held at theĀ Fessenden Center Annex atĀ 47013 Buxton Back Rd.
For more information on the Community Care Clinic of Dare, click here, or visit their Facebook page for updates on upcoming events.