Avon Farmer’s Market Opening on June 16 with 40 Vendors and New Social Distancing Guidelines

The Avon Farmer’s Market is returning to Hatteras Island for the 2020 summer season with approximately 40 vendors, and some new guidelines to make the outdoor shopping environment safe for all patrons.

Originally established in 2010 in Buxton, and eventually finding its permanent home next to the Avon Beach Klub, the Avon Farmers Market has become a weekly tradition for locals and visitors alike, although there were initial concerns that the market would be unable to open in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It was quite iffy for a while,” said Market Manager Susan Meyers. “We talked about it from the beginning of April forward, and we reached a decision to open [in June] at the beginning of May, but we still had a cautious ‘wait and see’ attitude.”
Now, the market is set to officially open for its first Tuesday of the summer season on June 16, however, there will be a few differences from previous years due to COVID-19 concerns.
“We’re going to request that people wear masks, and to and observe the three Ws,” said Meyers, referring to the N.C. Department of Public Health’s advice to wear a cloth face covering, wait 6 feet apart, and wash your hands often.
In addition, booths will be spaced 10 feet apart when possible, and animals will not be allowed at the farmer’s market this year. Patrons are also asked to look with their eyes and not with their hands, and to maintain social distancing whenever possible.
There will be a number of familiar faces returning to the market in 2020, offering goodies that range from fresh produce from Elizabeth City, to local teas and coffees, to an assortment of original works from local artists.
There are also a couple of new additions for the 2020 season, including a local Frisco artist who specializes in sea-inspired fine jewelry, and a potter and knife sharpener who can also provide sharpening services for yard equipment, scissors, and other everyday tools.
The farmer’s market runs every Tuesday until the day after Labor Day, and is open weekly from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“We’re excited for this opportunity to be able to support our local artists and farmers,” said Meyers. “And we’re just grateful that we’re able to have the market this year… Come out from 9 to 1, and have some fun!”
For more information on the Avon Farmer’s Market, visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Avon-NC-Farmers-Market-114250639939534/.