Businesses can provide commercial services at Outer Banks national park sites through application process

Businesses that are interested in providing commercial services at Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Cape Hatteras), Fort Raleigh National Historic Site (Fort Raleigh) and Wright Brothers National Memorial (Wright Brothers) can apply to do so through an easy Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) application process.
Engaging in or soliciting any business in the parks requires a CUA.
Authorized services for 2022 include:
- Airplane and Helicopter Transportation (Cape Hatteras and Wright Brothers)
- Beach Equipment (Cape Hatteras)
- Beach Fire (Cape Hatteras)
- Bicycle and Electric Bike (Cape Hatteras, Fort Raleigh and Wright Brothers)
- Guided Fishing (Cape Hatteras and Fort Raleigh)
- Guided Horseback Tours (Cape Hatteras)
- Guided Waterfowl Hunting (Cape Hatteras)
- Educational Programs (Cape Hatteras, Fort Raleigh and Wright Brothers)
- Non-Motorized Boat Tours (Cape Hatteras and Fort Raleigh)
- Off-Road Vehicle Tours (Cape Hatteras)
- Outdoor Fitness Classes (Cape Hatteras)
- Photography Instruction (Cape Hatteras, Fort Raleigh and Wright Brothers)
- Photography Portraits (Cape Hatteras, Fort Raleigh and Wright Brothers)
- Road-Based Commercial Tours and Transportation (Cape Hatteras)
- Sailboat Tours (Cape Hatteras)
- Towing (Cape Hatteras, Fort Raleigh and Wright Brothers)
- Watersports Instruction (Cape Hatteras)
- Wedding Equipment (Cape Hatteras)
One CUA will cover activities in all applicable parks. CUAs are valid from the date of issue through the same calendar year. Visit the following websites for applications, instructions and descriptions of each authorized service:
- Cape Hatteras:
- Fort Raleigh:
- Wright Brothers: