CHEC Replacing Transmission Pole at Canadian Hole; No Highway Closures or Outages Expected
Travelers driving past Canadian Hole may have noticed some unusual activity in recent days, as Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative (CHEC) and contractor Carolina Power and Signalization (CPS) are working to replace a transmission pole along the soundside in the area.
The work is taking place during the week of January 6, and the existing wooden pole is being replaced with a self-supporting concrete pole. The project is part of CHEC’s normal work plan, and CHEC reports that the new concrete pole will improve system reliability for the islands.
CHEC will continue work over the weekend, and the project is expected to be completed by early next week.
No power outages or lane closures on N.C. Highway 12 are expected for the remaining work, and the Canadian Hole parking area remains open to the public.