Dare County Sheriff Doug Doughtie to remain in post for two more years

In an Oct. 29 interview with the Voice, Dare County Sheriff Doug Doughtie stated that he intends to remain in that post for two more years until his current term expires in 2026. He also said that his Chief Deputy, Jeff Deringer, will continue in his position for two more years as well.
Doughtie’s statement comes in response to reports indicating that he was preparing to leave office soon, and he acknowledged that “I had planned to retire on December 1 [and] was working toward that. But as that time drew near, he said he realized “I wasn’t ready. The more I thought about it, the more apparent it became that [remaining as Sheriff] was what I wanted to do.”
Doughtie, who has served as Dare County Sheriff since first being elected in 2010, added that, “I love what I do…I felt like had committed myself to do a full term.” As for Derringer, he said, “We came in together and we will go out together.”