Scheduled house move may cause traffic delays in Rodanthe on Tuesday

A house move in the Tri-Villages is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, at approximately 9:30 a.m., and drivers should expect travel delays along N.C. Highway 12 throughout the morning.
The home is being moved from the Cape Hatteras/Outer Banks KOA Resort area in Waves to Dean Avenue in Rodanthe, which is a roughly one-mile route, according to an update from the Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative (CHEC).
“CHEC is not responsible for moving the house, however, we will be on-site and wanted to make the public aware as there will be traffic impacts on Hwy 12,” stated CHEC in the Monday evening update.
“There will be no major power outages for this project, only localized impacts which have already been communicated to members affected.”
For more information on real-time driving conditions and delays, visit the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s website.
Click here to view the Island Free Press’ video on one of the most famous Hatteras Island house moves – the moving of Serendipity, the house featured in the movie “Nights in Rodanthe” – which took place in 2010.

Serendipity s a problem for Rodanthe because folks want to park and gawk at it thinking there was a movie filmed there. There was not, merely an outside shot, the movie was filmed in a studio..