Nearly 31K have already voted in OBX counties, 4.4M statewide

North Carolina has set a new record for in-person early voting, while almost 31,000 ballots have been accepted in the three Outer Banks counties ahead of Election Day 2024.
“I am proud of all of our 100 county boards of elections and the thousands of election workers who are making this happen in their communities,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections.
According to statistics released Sunday morning, 4,200,134 voters in North Carolina cast a ballot during the in-person early voting period which ended on Saturday.
That easily surpassed the previous high mark set ahead of the 2020 general election, when 3,624,007 ballots were cast.
When mail-in absentee ballots are included, a total of 4,465,548 voters have cast their ballot, 56.7% of the state’s 7,829,653 registered voters.
“And I am especially proud of the workers and voters of Western North Carolina,” Brinson Bell said. “You are an inspiration to us all.”
Voters in the 25 counties affected by Hurricane Helene continue to outpace the rest of the state in turnout at 58.9%.
One statistic of note in Sunday’s report is that 466,976 more women than men have already voted in North Carolina.
In Dare County, 19,264 ballots have been accepted through Saturday, with 18,106 cast early in-person and 1,158 by mail, a 56.3% turnout.
Currituck County has accepted 10,450 votes, 9,874 in-person and 576 by mail, 41.5% turnout.
Voters in Hyde County have submitted 1,216 ballots, 1,147 in-person and 69 by mail, 38.1% turnout.
Ballots accepted through Saturday elsewhere in northeast North Carolina include Pasquotank 14,776 (46.7% turnout); Chowan 5,897 (55.5%); Perquimans 5,542 (51.5%); Camden 4,523 (51.3%); Washington Co. 4,280 (52.3%); Gates 3,766 (44.3%); and Tyrrell 1,153 (48.7%).
The last chance for eligible, registered North Carolina voters to make their voice heard in this election is Tuesday.
Polls will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Voters in line at 7:30 p.m. will be able to cast their ballot.
Voters should go to their assigned precinct on Election Day. To find your Election Day polling place, use the Voter Search tool.
Those who have not returned their mail-in absentee ballot are advised that they can still do so in-person at their county Board of Elections office until 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday.