People Reminded to Stay Safe and Avoid Pedestrian Pier During Construction
Work is expected to be completed later this summer.
However, N.C. Department of Transportation contract crews are constructing a new hard surface walking path from the parking lot to the pier, removing asphalt from the old N.C. 12 at the south end of the pier and installing signs on the pier.
Until work is complete and the pier is opened to the public, people should not walk on the pier and should avoid the construction areas and equipment.
The pedestrian pier is being managed by the NCDOT, the National Park Service’s Cape Hatteras National Seashore, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Pea Island Wildlife Refuge.
The old Bonner Bridge in Nags Head was replaced by the Marc Basnight Bridge, which opened in February 2019. After the Basnight Bridge opened, crews began dismantling the old Bonner Bridge. Part of the old Bonner Bridge is being used as offshore reefs and about 1,000 feet of the old bridge is being left in place as a pedestrian walkway and pier.