Coast Guard Assists Vessel Near Oregon Inlet

While conducting training on Sunday morning, U.S. Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet responded to a small vessel taking on water in “the cut,” an unofficial channel between the Walter Slough and Oregon Inlet channels.
The station’s 24’ response boat happened to be in the right place at the right time, as they sighted the vessel with people on board waving their arms in distress. Once on scene, it was determined that the vessel was taking on water and a quick response was necessary.
The crew moved the vessel into safe water and placed the boat in an alongside tow. Those on board the small vessel were then transferred on to the response boat along with their personal items. The Coast Guard crew quickly towed the vessel back to the Oregon Inlet boat ramps, removing water from inside the boat in the process. Everyone made it back to the boat ramps safely, and the owner of the small vessel was able to trailer their boat.
The U.S. Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet posted the details in a social media statement, and added “Bravo Zulu team on an amazing rescue!”