Dare County Tourism Board seeking applications for Special Committee; Residents, non-resident property owners encouraged to apply

Dare County residents and non-resident property owners are invited to apply for consideration to serve on a Special Committee of the Dare County Tourism Board, to help with the implementation of the Outer Banks Long-Range Tourism Management Plan (LRTMP). The intent of this committee will be to evaluate the strategic goals in the LRTMP, make recommendations to the Dare County Tourism Board for action, and further implement adopted recommendations through the work of the Community Engagement Manager.
The Special Committee or task force was originally formed to facilitate the process of the LRTMP and includes local tourism economy representation in historic attractions, environmental expertise, housing and infrastructure, parks and preservation, lodging, and municipal government to name a few. The Dare County Tourism Board is adding seats on the Special Committee for Dare County residents and non-resident property owner representation to which interested individuals can apply online.
About the Long-Range Tourism Management Plan
The LRTMP was published in May 2023, following an 18-month process begun by the Dare County Tourism Board and executed by the staff of the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau and partners at MMGY NextFactor and Tourism Economics. The comprehensive plan, which included creating a special task force and curating the input of hundreds of tourism community stakeholders and thousands of Dare County residents, provides a roadmap for the future to ensure that tourism preserves – and even benefits – the environment, culture and quality of life for residents while enhancing visitor experience.
If you have any questions regarding the LRTMP or the Special Committee application, please contact Jeff Schwartzenberg, Community Engagement Manager, at schwartzenberg@outerbanks.org.