U.S. Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet responds to two incidents on Sunday

On Sunday morning, April 28, members of the U.S. Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet conducted a medevac of a person with a concerning head injury that was sustained while fishing approximately offshore 33 miles.
After Coast Guard Cutter Bear arrived on scene to conduct first aid, the person was transferred to the station’s lifeboat where EMS was waiting.
A few hours after getting back from the Sunday morning medevac, the station received a report of a vessel in distress four miles off the Oregon Inlet sea buoy. Upon arriving on scene, crews embarked with a lifeboat engineer to assess the situation. The vessel had one disabled engine, and the crew then towed the vessel in safely across the bar, and escorted them back to home port.
Both incidents were detailed in a social media update, with Station Oregon Inlet stating “Thank you to Dare County EMS and Coast Guard Cutter Bear for your assistance today!”