Updated needs list for the Frisco Free Market posted for Sunday afternoon

The Frisco Really, Really Free Market continues to be a primary spot for depositing donations and picking up necessary supplies for Hatteras Islanders in need, roughly two weeks after Dorian made landfall on Cape Hatteras on September 6.
Per the Hatteras Island Community Emergency Response Team, a donation drop-off point can also be found at Kitty Hawk Carpets for northern Outer Banks residents and visitors, which is located at 3506 N. Croatan Highway in Kitty Hawk, Milepost 5. They are open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
Additional and similar spots for supplies are available at other locales on the island, such as the St. John’s United Methodist Church in Avon village, and the Blessings Market at the Assembly of God in Hatteras village, which is located at 57343 Eagle Pass Rd., on the right side of the church.
In the meantime, the Frisco Really, Really Free Market, which is located at the Frisco Fire Station and which will open again on Monday after a Sunday hiatus, has updated their list of especially needed donations, as of Sunday afternoon.
Most requested needs at the market:
- WD-40
- Bug spray
- Cutter yard spray
- Toothpaste
- Coffee
- Gatorade
- Pasta
- Toilet Paper
- Paper towels
- Box Fans
- Dry cat food
Donations also needed at the Free Market as of Sunday afternoon:
- Canned tuna fish
- Toilet plungers
- “Chux” – bed pads for elderly
- Pet food
- Soup (besides chicken noodle)
- Brooms
- Clotheslines
- Men’s deodorant
- Baking soda
- Laundry detergent
- Spay Lysol
- Bungee cords
- Depends – (women’s, all sizes)
- Mosquito dunks
- Jelly
- Kids’ cereal
- Visine / eye drops
- Calamine lotion
- Can openers
Currently, the Frisco Free Market is only accepting items from the requested items list. They are not accepting clothing, furniture, used towels or linens, or “yard sale” items, etc. at this location.
Monetary donations and gift cards are also needed!
Checks/gift cards can be mailed to the following addresses (all are 501c3, so donations are tax deductible):
Cape Hatteras Methodist Men
PO Box 1591
Buxton, NC 27920
PO Box 35
Avon, NC 27915
Donate online via PayPal at www.interfaithoutreach.com and enter the donation comment “Hatteras Storm Relief”.
Donations can also be dropped off at the Frisco Fire Station, or mailed to the following address:
c/o Frisco VFD
52470 NC Hwy 12
Frisco, NC 27936
Volunteers are also still needed to staff the Free Market in order keep it going through the days and weeks to come.
Time slots are in two-hour increments, with two volunteers for each time slot. Please sign up for any time, and for any slots that fit your schedule. For more information on signing up as a volunteer, stop by the Frisco Fire Station, or see: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040c45abad2ba31-hatteras2
The Frisco Free Market will continue to be open this week, with planned hours of 9 a.m.-4 p.m. through Saturday, and will also be open until 7 p.m. on Wednesday.