Night Sky: Meteor Showers, Starburst Galaxy, and More Night Sky Highlights for November 2017

This is NGC 253, the Sculptor Galaxy.  With a visual magnitude of +7, it’s a good target for binoculars and telescopes.   It will start appearing November near the SE horizon right after sunset.  It’s about 12 million light years away.  NGC 252 is a starburst galaxy.  Starburst galaxies are known for their intense star formation.  […]

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Buxton Beach Nourishment Update

Weeks Marine reported that the hopper dredge completed 28 loads over the past week with a total volume of approximately 45,000 cubic yards. The current weather forecast shows workable conditions for the next week, and Weeks Marine plans to continue to pump south along the Buxton oceanfront. As of today, approximately 42% of the total […]

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