Cape Hatteras Secondary School’s (CHSS) DECA is currently accepting donations for a recently launched program, “Project Military Morale Packs.”
Through the program, the students hope to bring a ray of light to a soldier’s day through a care package from home. Filled with snacks, personal hygiene products, and even handwritten cards, DECA’s goal is to send at least 125 care packages to troops, as well as Cape Hatteras Alumni that are on active duty.
“If you would like to help support our soldiers, we would graciously accept donations,” stated DECA in an update on the project. “All proceeds will be directly used to buy products to put into packages and help with shipping costs. Packages will be sent out personally by our group and through NCPack4Patriots where they will be spread across multiple overseas bases. Any remaining funds will be used to send packages to support Ukrainian families. If you would like to brighten a soldier’s day monetary donations may be sent to PO Box 636, Buxton, NC 27920 and checks addressed to CHSS DECA with a memo of Operation Light the Way. We must have all donations by November 25th as we are shipping packages out on December 10th in order for them to be received in time for the holidays. All donors will be commemorated with a plaque in their honor hung in the school and will be represented during our state presentation in Raleigh.”
In addition to donations, DECA will also be hosting a Chili Dinner Fundraiser on November 22 at the Hatteras Village Civic Center from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The $10 cost covers a tasty meal of chili, salad, cornbread, and tea, (with desserts available), and all donations go to help fund the care packages.
“Any support is tremendously appreciated by us and our forces. We cannot thank everyone enough and hope we can give back to those who have given the most. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Fairbanks at (252) 305 6036.”