Annual Festival Latino de Ocracoke will be held November 3-4
The 6th annual Festival Latino de Ocracoke will take place on Ocracoke Island on the first weekend of November.
Produced by the island non-profit, Ocracoke Alive, in partnership with Ocracoke’s vibrant Latino community, the festival will feature music, ballet folklorico dances, incredible food, games, and more.

The festival kicks off on Friday, November 3, with day performances and workshops for Ocracoke School students with the Venezuelan harpist, Larry Bellorin.
On Friday night, the Larry Bellorin band will give a special concert at 7 p.m. at Ocracoke Alive’s Deepwater Theater.
On Saturday, November 4, from 3-5 p.m., the celebration moves to the Berkley Barn at Ocracoke’s Berkley Manor with food, games, and performances by Larry Bellorin & friends, Trio Chavales de Hidalgo, Raices Mexicanas and more.
The festivities move inside the Berkley Barn for an evening concert from 6-8 p.m., including performances by Ocracoke’s own Ballet Folklorico de Ocracoke.
The evening rounds out with a community dance at the Berkley Barn from 8-10 p.m. with Trio Chavales de Hidalgo.
Proceeds from the Festival Latino de Ocracoke will benefit programming in the island community. The Festival Latino is supported by Ocracoke Alive with assistance from the Ocracoke Township TDA, the Pony Island Inn, Sorellas, and additional sponsors.
Those wishing to help sponsor the Festival Latino de Ocracoke may do so with a tax-deductible contribution at Volunteer signups for the event are also posted online