Rodanthe-Waves-Salvo Civic Association holds annual meeting and election
Rodanthe-Waves-Salvo Civic Association’s annual meeting and election was held on Thursday evening, June 29 ,with over 45 members and their family in attendance. This was the first year the meeting was live-streamed.
Congratulations to Sabrina Hatfield, April Contestable, Mark Strausbaugh, Amberly Dyer, Karen Ritter, Bonnie Somers on their election by acclamation to the 2023-2024 RWSCA Board. Sabrina was elected as President, April as Vice President, and Mark as Treasurer. Amberly, Karen, and Bonnie join continuing members of the Board of Directors Mary Helen Goodloe-Murphy and Chandra Rutledge.
The annual meeting held at the Rodanthe Community Center was preceded by a social with homemade sandwiches and sweets provided by the Board. Outgoing President Tom Amatucci‘s captivating slide show that outlined the Association’s extensive activities highlighted the evening. Committee Chairpersons reported on the pathway maintenance and scholarships awarded to CHSS graduates.
Tom’s many contributions to the community as President included the Jug-Handle Bridge Run which opened the bridge with over 600 runners. Tom’s active leadership led the Association for two terms 2021-2023. Tom and the other retiring Board Members were recognized and thanked for their significant contributions to the Board and the Rodanthe, Waves, and Salvo Communities – Jason Walsh, Vice President, Shannon Killham, Secretary, and Directors Gene Stoel, Aida Havel.
The annual meeting is also the kick-off for the 2023-2024 Membership Drive. Several guest attendees joined the Association after learning of the Association’s many community projects and future plans. You can follow RWSCA’s activities on their Facebook page.
The next annual meeting and election will be held October 24, 2024, but regular Board meetings are held at the Community Center on the last Thursday of the month and are open to the public.