BUXTON — Reece Folb, beloved husband of Karen, passed away Friday, Dec. 21, 2007, in Nags Head. Reece loved his life – his wife, his family, his friends, his village, his boat, and his bulldogs. Reece was predeceased by his mother and father – Maurice “Doc” Folb and Sybil Miller Folb. Heis survived by his […]
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H. Curtis Gray
BUXTON– H. Curtis Gray, 83, of Buxton died Monday, Dec. 3, 2007 at hisresidence. Mr. Gray, a native of Buxton, was a real estate broker and amerchant. He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina atChapel Hill and a veteran, having served in the U.S. Coast Guard. Hewas a member of Buxton United […]
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Orville C. Scarborough
AVON — Orville Celestial Scarborough, 78, died Monday, Nov. 26, 2007in a Norfolk, Va., hospital. Mr. Scarborough was born in Avon andwas a retired First Class Boatswains Mate with the U.S. CoastGuard. He was a member of St. John’s United MethodistChurch, a 33rd Degree Mason with the Hatteras Island Masonic Lodge anda member of the […]
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Mary E. Styron Anderson
OCRACOKE– Mary Elizabeth Styron Anderson, 86, died Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 in aNags Head nursing home. Mrs. Anderson, born in Ocracoke, was astorekeeper at the Albert Styron Store and was a member of the OcracokeUnited Methodist Church. She was a former resident of the Manson areaof Indiana. Mrs.Anderson was the daughter of the late Albert […]
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Albert Joseph Mury, III
BUXTON– Albert Joseph Mury, III, 71, died Saturday, Nov.10, 2007 at hisresidence. Born in Teaneck, N.J., he was the son of the late AlbertJoseph Mury, Jr. and the late Doris Sheridan Mury. He was a retiredplumber, an active member of Our Lady of the Seas Catholic Church, amember of the Cape Hatteras Anglers Club, and […]
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A Fishing Trip to Remember

By JIM BREWER A stormy night and a dash over the Bonner Bridge – before it was finished (Editor’s note: Ann Brewer Ianuario has been recording the memories of her parents for some time. This story involves a rather unusual and exciting trip that her father made to Hatteras Island in 1962 when the […]
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Lisa Owens Hooper
BUXTON — Lisa Owens Hooper, 47, passed away at home surrounded by loved ones onSaturday, Oct. 27, 2007. She was a loving mother, wife, daughter,sister, and friend. She lived in Buxton and is survived by her husband,Buddy Hooper, son, Chase, and daughter, Avery, of the home. Alsosurviving are her parents, R. V. “Bobby” and Sarah […]
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Hunting ghosts on Springer’s Point at Ocracoke

(Editor’s note: Just in time for Halloween, join in a ghost hunt at Springer’s Point on Ocracoke, near the very site where Blackbeard, the infamous pirate, met his demise. It was his ghost we were hunting for, but did we find him? Find out in this article that was published in The Island Free Press […]
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Robert Dewey Basnett, Jr.
FRISCO– Robert Dewey Basnett, Jr., 74, died Friday, Oct. 19, 2007, atSentara Nursing Center, Barco, N.C. Mr. Basnett, born in Frisco,was a retired Chief Engineman with the U.S. Coast Guard, with 20 yearsof service. He was also a retired Chief Engineer with the N.C.Department of Transportation, Ferry Division, and the Seaman’sInternational Union. He was a […]
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Audrey Carol O’Neal Lynn
OCRACOKE– Audrey Carol O’Neal Lynn, made her flight to the throne ofGod, on Wednesday October 17, 2007. Audrey was the daughter ofthe late Capt. George and Annabelle O’Neal of Ocracoke. Audrey was the wife of the late John Lynn of Ocracoke. She wasalso preceded in death by a daughter, Darelene Reitz. She issurvived by a daughter, […]
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