Commercial Fishing Resource Fund committees seek proposals for 2021 cycle

The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission Commercial Resource Fund Committee and the Funding Committee for the N.C. Commercial Fishing Resource Fund are accepting proposals for the 2021 funding cycle from the N.C. Commercial Fishing Resource Fund.
There are two requests for proposals for this funding cycle:
- Comprehensive Request for Proposals – This request for proposal is for several targeted research projects pertaining to blue catfish ecology and gear development; diamondback terrapin bycatch reduction devices; shrimp trawl bycatch reduction devices; water quality improvements; and the economic impact of the H-2B Visa program on the state’s seafood industry.Public
- Relations Campaign – This request for proposal is to continue a campaign to educate the public about North Carolina’s sustainable commercial fishing industry and about commercial fishermen participation in research and measures the industry has taken to reduce its environmental impact.
The Commercial Fishing Resources Fund receives proceeds from the sale of Commercial Fishing Licenses and provides grants for projects for the development of sustainable commercial fishing in the state.
The requests for proposals are open to both public and private entities and are subject to the state’s terms and conditions of contracting.
The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission Commercial Resource Fund Committee and the Funding Committee for the North Carolina Commercial Fishing Resource Fund will evaluate and rank proposals for consideration of funding.
All initial proposals must be submitted to the Division of Marine Fisheries by 5 p.m. July 15, 2020. Directions for submitting a proposal and an application form can be downloaded from the Division of Marine Fisheries’ website here []. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
For more information, contact William Brantley at 252-808-8015 or 800-682-2632 or