Hatteras community emergency team to offer training
The Hatteras Island Community Emergency Response Team will be offering the CERT basic training class to anyone in the community who may be interested in attending.
The course is designed to help everyone in the community to learn how to take care of themselves, their families, and their neighbors, before, during and after an emergency or significant event such as a hurricane. The course is free to the public. Classes begin on Wednesday, Sept. 23, and will be held at the Avon Fire Hall, beginning at 6 p.m.
The training is designed to cover the following:
Disaster Preparedness
Fire Safety
Disaster Medical Operations—Triage and Treating Life Threatening Injuries, Assessment, Treatment and Hygiene
Team Organization
Disaster Psychology
Terrorism and CERT
The entire course takes about 20 hours to complete and classes are normally held one evening a week. The last class is a demonstration of the skills you learned during the course.
Please contact Kenny Brite at 252-996-0432 or Larry Ogden at 252-995-2034 with questions or e-mail them at hatterascert@gmail.com.