Waterways Commission alarmed that emergency ferry channel between Stumpy Point and Rodanthe is not navigable

Published jointly with Coastal Review If there is a hurricane on the Outer Banks that renders Hatteras Island’s only highway impassable, the emergency channel between Rodanthe to the Dare County mainland at Stumpy Point currently would not be accessible for ferries to provide supplies or evacuations. “This needs to be very clear to our county […]

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Waterways Commission eyes upcoming dredging projects to widen Hatteras Inlet channels

While Hatteras Inlet is currently enjoying a respite from crisis mode, members of the Dare County Waterways Commission are keeping an eye on the horizon to ensure that the channels are maintained, and the agencies are prepared with permits and funding. “I’m glad to hear Sloop Channel is holding up there,” Joen Petersen, U.S. Army […]

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Anti-regulation sentiment may be fueling insurance crisis

First of a two-part series by Catherine Kozak, Coastal Review When Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey met last month in Manteo for a brief overview and Q&A with community members worried about property insurance issues, he stressed that his office had limited power over building code changes and insurance company business decisions in North Carolina that […]

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Emergency dredging in Hatteras Inlet will continue through March as Waterways Commission seeks to make dredging easier in the future

After desperately needed emergency dredging in the Hatteras Ferry Channel was nearly impeded last month by a time-consuming permit requirement, members of the Dare County Waterways Commission on Monday applauded the remarkably fast resolution that allowed the project to start. “I think this was a very productive couple of months, or couple of weeks, especially,” […]

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Ferry Division, Waterways Commission work to establish new route for ferry traffic in Hatteras Inlet

Faced with increasingly dangerous conditions in Sloop Channel, the North Carolina Ferry Division has sought an emergency declaration to address safety for ferry traffic in Hatteras Inlet. Now it appears likely the Army Corps of Engineers will soon be able to provide the necessary work. “We heard you loud and clear,” Bob Keistler, Army Corps […]

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Pipeline dredging in the Hatteras Ferry Channel unlikely this winter

Pipeline dredging in the Hatteras Ferry Channel is not expected to happen this winter while agencies continue to seek solutions to funding shortfalls and dredge material disposal complications, a state ferry division official recently informed the Dare County Waterways Commission. “We’re told it’s on hold until we can figure things out,” Catherine Peele, planning and […]

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Permitting the dredge Miss Katie to do more work in Hatteras Inlet may be delayed

A relatively low-key meeting of the Dare County Waterways Commission, held Monday, Aug. 14 in Buxton, turned testy midway when members learned that permitting the local dredge Miss Katie to do more work in Hatteras Inlet might be delayed until the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completes a new inlet management plan. Commissioners reacted with […]

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