The bartender at Capt. Rolo’s Raw Bar and Grill in Frisco served up the first mixed drink to a customer at a Hatteras Island restaurant just after 5 p.m. on Wednesday evening, Feb. 23, when the establishment re-opened after a winter hiatus. It was a rum and coke for Gaston Foster Jr. of Hatteras village.  […]

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Businesses in the northern Hatteras Island villages of Avon, Rodanthe, Waves, and Salvo are collecting signatures on a petition asking for a referendum on serving mixed drinks in restaurants. The organizers of the petition drive are mostly restaurants owners, though other businesses are supporting the effort by gathering signatures on petitions in their stores. Currently, […]

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Clean up the clutter on Highway 12 by enforcing the sign laws….WITH A READER POLL

Dare County has had a zoning ordinance governing signs at commercial establishments since 1975. That was back when there were many fewer businesses on Hatteras Island than there are today and almost all of them were located along Highway 12. As time passed, businesses proliferated and began to open on the roads off the highway. […]

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The bartender at Capt. Rolo’s Raw Bar and Grill in Frisco served up the first mixed drink to a customer at a Hatteras Island restaurant just after 5 p.m. on Wednesday evening, Feb. 23, when the establishment re-opened after a winter hiatus. It was a rum and coke for Gaston Foster Jr. of Hatteras village.  […]

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Park Service releases pre-nesting closure information and maps…WITH MAPS

Park Service releases pre-nesting closure information and maps…WITH MAPS By IRENE NOLAN By IRENE NOLAN By IRENE NOLAN The National Park Service has released information and maps on pre-nesting closures for piping plovers, a shore bird listed as threatened by the federal government. The pre-nesting closures will be in place by March 15, as required […]

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Infrastructure improvements required under FEIS will need another environmental study

My blog last week on the National Park Service?s economic impacts of its Final Environmental Impact Statement has generated some interesting comments and a good discussion. I wrote last week that the Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce is seeking businesses that participated in an economic survey on impacts.  The businesses contacted by RTI International were […]

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