Changes to 18 Marine Fisheries rules became effective on Monday, March 24

Changes to 18 Marine Fisheries Commission rules became effective on Monday, March 24, according to an announcement from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality.
Among the changes, five of the rules pertain to data collection and harassment prevention for the conservation of marine and estuarine resources, and one rule aims to make administration of shellfish leases more efficient. Changes to the remaining rules removed outdated requirements and made minor conforming and clarifying changes.
The rules were adopted by the Marine Fisheries Commission in May 2024 but required legislative review before becoming effective, as per G.S. 14-4.1.
Data Collection and Harassment Prevention – Amendments to 15A NCAC 03I .0113 broaden and enhance protections for DEQ Division of Marine Fisheries employees from verbal, physical or sexual harassment by those engaging in regulated fishing activities while the employees are in the process of obtaining data about marine and estuarine resources and data for shellfish sanitation health and safety. Amendments in four related rules (15A NCAC 03O .0101, .0109, .0112, .0301) also strengthen language that requires fishermen to cooperate with Division data collection programs. The amendments support the importance of participation by persons engaged in regulated fishing activities in Division data collection and provide a safer working environment for Division employees.
Shellfish Leases and Shellfish Relay Program – Amendments to a shellfish lease rule (15A NCAC 03O .0201) require shellfish lease holders to meet the listed production, marking, and permit requirements for current shellfish leases to be eligible for additional shellfish lease acreage. Doing so helps ensure more efficient and meaningful use of the public trust bottom. The repeals of 15A NCAC 03K .0104, .0401, .0403, and .0405 and amendments to 15A NCAC 03I .0101, 03K .0101, .0301, 03O .0201, .0501, .0503, 18A .0901, and .0906 removed outdated shellfish relay requirements, reflecting the 2024 discontinuation of the Division Polluted Area Shellfish Relay Program.
Commercial Shellfish Sanitation and Processing Procedures – Amendments to 15A NCAC 18A .0302 clarify the information required on a commercial shellfish permit application. Amendments also updated wording to make the rule consistent with similar current rules.
Text of the rules can be found in the March 24, 2025, Supplement to the 2020 N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission Rulebook at
For questions about these rules, email Catherine Blum, rules coordinator for the Division of Marine Fisheries.