CHNS Invites Public to Comment on Proposed Accessible Hunt Blind and Wildlife Viewing Platform on Bodie Island

Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore) is planning to construct an accessible hunting blind and wildlife viewing platform on Bodie Island in Nags Head, NC. This project would include a small concrete parking area, interpretive signage, an approximate 260 foot long elevated boardwalk to a partially covered platform over an open pond within the federally authorized hunt area on Bodie Island.
The Seashore has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze the impacts of constructing a new accessible hunting blind and wildlife viewing platform along with associated facilities which would meet the f ollowing project objectives:
Comment (PEPC) website at from December 10, 2018 through January 8, 2019. Select the “Construction of a New Accessible Hunt Blind/Wildlife Viewing Platform on Bodie Island” link to view the EA and to make a comment.
Comments can also be mailed to: Superintendent, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, 1401 National Park Drive, Manteo, NC 27954. To ensure your comments are included in this process, they must be entered into PEPC or postmarked by January 8, 2019. Comments will not be accepted by fax, email, or in any other way than those specified above. Bulk comments in hard copy or electronic formats submitted on behalf of others will not be accepted.