More than $602,000 in scholarships and awards presented to CHSS’ Class of 2023 at Senior Celebration

The Cape Hatteras Secondary School’s (CHSS) Class of 2023 was honored at a special evening event sponsored by the Rodanthe-Waves-Salvo Civic Association and held at the Hatteras Village Civic Center on Tuesday, May 23.
The event featured the presentation of awards, honors, and scholarships to the graduating class, with Principal Beth Rooks noting that the total amount of financial rewards from local organizations, universities, and other entities exceeded $602,000 this year.
“To our families and the organizations that are our donors [and who] are supporting our students, I’d like to say that your impact is significant, and that the impact of these awards goes beyond finances alone,” said Rooks. “Your scholarships are far-reaching and provide the opportunity for students to reach their full potential, reach all of their goals, and remove all of the barriers.”
Approximately 50 scholarships were presented from local and regional organizations, which included the first-ever award of the Irene Nolan Memorial Scholarship, which was established in 2021 by Irene’s long-time business partner and Island Free Press (IFP) co-founder, Donna Barnett.
Established via a partnership with the Outer Banks Community Foundation, the inaugural Irene Nolan Memorial Scholarship was presented to Grace Shoemaker, who plans to attend Pitt Community College to receive her Associate Degree in Fine Arts, and who stood out for her exceptional writing.
“It was a memorable evening to give the first-ever Irene Nolan Memorial Scholarship,” said Barnett. “Grace did a wonderful job on her essay and is well deserving of the award. We look forward to continuing this scholarship for many years to come.”

The Outer Banks Community Foundation manages 70 different scholarship programs, including the IFP’s Irene Nolan Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Everyone is welcome to contribute to the Irene Nolan Memorial Scholarship Fund by sending a check to the Outer Banks Community Foundation at 13 Skyline Road, Southern Shores, NC, 27949, with the fund name in the memo line, or by making a contribution online at, and selecting the fund from the searchable funds list.
The full list of scholarships distributed on Tuesday evening is as follows:
- William P. Dillon Memorial Scholarship
- Frank and Ann Pellegrini Memorial Scholarship
- Chaps Gray Memorial Scholarship
- Wesley Boyd Rimmer Memorial Scholarship
- Carl Bornfriend Memorial Scholarship
- Braxton B. Hall Memorial Scholarship
- Irene Nolan Memorial Scholarship
- Conner Memorial Scholarship
- Monica C. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship
- Sherman McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
- Elvin Hooper Memorial Scholarship
- Sandi Jones Garrison Memorial Scholarship
- Cape Hatteras Anglers Club Scholarship
- Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship
- Theater of Dare Scholarship
- The Outer Banks Hospital Scholarship
- Dare County Boat Builders Midgett Realty
- N.C. Beach Buggy Association Scholarship
- Surf Pediatric Foundation Scholarship
- Chesapeake Hospital Authority Scholarship
- Cape Hatteras Electrical Coop Scholarship
- DCAC Artrageous Youth Scholarship
- Hatteras Island Arts and Crafts Scholarship
- State Employees Credit Union Scholarship
- Dare Education Foundation Scholarship
- Outer Banks Community Foundation Scholarship
- Inez Daniels Austin Scholarship
- Greg and Eden Honeycutt Scholarship
- Stewart Couch HI Scholarship
- Scott Day Family Scholarship.
- Wallace H. McCown Memorial Scholarship
- DCAFO Doug Remaley Memorial Scholarship
- Outer Banks Association of Realtors Scholarship
- Betty Ruth Flowers Gibbs Scholarship
- Academic Basketball Scholars Scholarship
- Sound Construction Scholarship
- Hatteras Village Civic Association Scholarship
- Avon Property Owners Scholarship
- Kinnakeet Community Scholarship
- RWS Civic Scholarship
- SGA Scholarship
- Dare Farm Bureau Scholarship
- 4Plus Scholarship
- JJM Prevenient Grace Memorial Scholarship
- Dare County League of Women Voters Scholarship
- Special Presentation – Sgt. Mitchell Mundra, USCM
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