Outer Banks Visitors Bureau releases 2022 State of Tourism annual report

The Outer Banks Visitors Bureau recently released its 2022 State of Dare County Tourism annual report, which presents a breakdown of tourism-related numbers in the county during the past fiscal year.
The full report also dives into marketing efforts, grants, and other significant initiatives underway at the Bureau, both in the past year and in the months ahead.
Dare County had $1.83 billion in visitor spending in 2022, creating $67.6 million in state tax revenue and $79.2 million in local tax revenue.
“The last two years witnessed unprecedented increases in business as visitors sought safer vacation alternatives during Covid and as the internationally distributed ‘Outer Banks’ Netflix series garnered new interest for the destination,” stated the report. “Prior to this boom, tourism was characterized by its steady growth and by the resilience of the industry, bouncing back quickly from natural disasters and other challenges.”
“The charts below reflect just how unusual the last two years were.”

The report also outlined grants provided in the past several years, which are detailed below. These grants are for programs or services needed due to the impact of tourism, and more information is available at https://www.outerbanks.org/grants/.

For more information and to read the full report, click here.