AVON– Ernest Samuel Herring, 57, died Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013 in hisresidence. Mr. Herring was born in Harrisonburg, Va., and was acarpenter for 36 years. He attended St. Johns United MethodistChurch and was an avid fan of the Washington Redskins and theNFL. He loved beach life with his family, boating, fishing andenjoying the surf as […]
Obituaries | Full Article
SBA launches Affordable Care Act web page and blog
SBA launches Affordable Care Act web page and blog The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) today launched a new web page and blog dedicated to educating small business owners about the Affordable Care Act. The new tools will serve as a gateway for small business owners connecting them with information provided by SBA’s federal partners […]
Real Estate | Full Article
Ocean Acidification: Global warming’s ‘evil twin’

The Ocracoke Working Watermen’s Association earlier this month hosted a training session for a project to monitor baby oysters, or spat. Students and volunteers will be trained to collect and count oyster offspring. The project, sponsored by North Carolina Sea Grant, is part of a larger effort to understand why North Carolina’s oyster population is […]
Island Features | Full Article
Outer Banks Angler: Cold-stunned

Outer Banks Angler: Cold-stunned Outer Banks Angler: Cold-stunned Well, after weeks of unusually mild weather, I think the cold has found us. The weather has been pleasant on the Outer Banks for the end of last year and the beginning of the new year. Sure, we have had some days where it got below 40 […]
Fishing | Full Article
Dare commissioners take cowardly way out on thorny issue
The Dare County commissioners let down their constituents at their meeting on Tuesday night. Their inaction on the request of Avon resident Mark Rawl to allow temporary seafood sales as a conditional land use under the county zoning regulations appeared, well, just plain cowardly. The commissioners took no action, effectively killing Rawl?s effort without even […]
Editor’s Blog | Full Article
Stanley Everrett Meekins
BUXTON– Stanley Everrett Meekins, 62, died on Friday, Jan. 25, 2013 at theOuter Banks Hospital, Nags Head. Mr. Meekins was a conveniencestore manager and served his country honorably in the U.S. Army. He was the son of the late Luther Hall and Ila Lee Miller Meekins and the husband of the late Virginia O’Neal Meekins. […]
Obituaries | Full Article
Boyle’s status conference on new off-road vehicle plan is uneventful
The status conferences called by U.S. District Court Judge Terrence Boyle to review the Park Service’s off-road vehicle management plan have long since seemed to morph from somber judicial proceedings into cordial gatherings of old friends. At the Jan. 23 conference at the federal courthouse in Elizabeth City, the bailiff called out “All rise” when […]
Seashore News | Full Article
Sandbags and dunes are finished on Highway 12 at the S-curves

The last of 2,048 giant sandbags was laid on Monday at the S-curves in northern Rodanthe to protect the reconstructed Highway 12 in the area that was damaged by Hurricane Sandy in late October and several northeasters in November. Today, the last load of sand was delivered by dump truck from a sandpit in Avon […]
Local News | Full Article
Great white shark is a winter visitor to the seashore

A 16-foot great white shark has been a winter visitor to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore in the past few days. The shark’s tracking beacon showed that it may have crossed through Ocracoke Inlet in Pamlico Sound on Monday afternoon and then headed north towards Hatteras. Today the 3,456-pound fish was hanging out off Cape […]
Local News | Full Article
Mamie Williams
FRISCO– Mamie Williams, 66, died Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013, at her residence. Alifelong resident of Hatteras Island, she was the daughter of the lateHerman and Daisy Gaskins and spouse of Donnie Williams Sr. She was avery loving mother to her three children. Includingher husband, she is survived by her son, Donnie Williams Jr. and wifeSusan […]
Obituaries | Full Article