On Dec. 27, the News & Observer in Raleigh ? now apparently the mouthpiece for environmental groups in the state — published an ?other views? commentary by David Yarnold, President and CEO of the National Audubon Society. In case you don?t remember, the National Audubon Society joined the Defenders of Wildlife in 2007 to sue […]
Editor’s Blog | Full Article
Guest Column: Stop obstructing the Bonner Bridge replacement

With all the chatter over the recent closure and long-delayed replacement plans for the 1963 Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, we should take the time to reflect on the old bridge, which once again is connecting the Outer Banks to the mainland. The truth is that the bridge is a monument to human engineering. For […]
Local News | Full Article
Good weather, great seafood make Ocracoke watermen’s fundraiser the best yet

The weather and the food may be responsible for the 2013 Oyster Roast by the Ocracoke Working Watermen Association being the best ever in its eight-year history. “It’s probably one of the better ones,” said Bill Evans as he dumped pile after pile of steaming oysters on make-shift plywood tables where patrons dug in. “The […]
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Ferry Division switches to 2014 schedule with some minor changes
After researching traffic patterns and consulting with coastal stakeholders, the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Ferry Division switched to its schedule for the 2014 calendar year on Wednesday, Jan. 1. The schedule eliminates a handful of low-ridership runs, but mostly makes only minor adjustments to departure times and seasonal dates across the system’s seven regular […]
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Reba Willis Midgett
FRISCO– Reba Willis Midgett, 79, went to be with Jesus on Jan. 29. Reba was born Aug. 8, 1934 in Hatteras. She was the daughter ofthe late Harlon C. and Nellie T. Willis and the wife of Ellery ClarkMidgett II her loving husband of 60 years. Also surviving are herdaughters, Joni Midgett of Wilmington, N.C., and […]
Obituaries | Full Article
Lisa Luanne Denson West

LisaLuanne Denson West was born April 25, 1958, to the late Robert Altonand Nancy Mixon Denson, at Parkview Hospital in Rocky Mount, N.C. Sheattended Fairview Elementary School and R. M. Wilson Jr. High School,graduating from Rocky Mount Senior High School with the Class of ’76.She was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Rocky Mount. […]
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Jack and Betty Jane Curle
ST.AUGUSTINE, Fla. — Jack and Betty Jane Curle passed away peacefully sixdays apart, both at Emeritus of St. Augustine with their family bytheir side. Jack and Betty met in Cleveland, Ohio, after Jack returnedfrom serving in World War II. For many years, Jack worked as abuyer for a grocery distributor and Betty worked for SearsDistribution. […]
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