North Carolina, Ohio team up to dispute Connecticut’s first flight claim

The tale of Gustave Whitehead and his flying machine might be the zombie version of aviation history — it was killed long ago, but it keeps coming back. In an effort to slay Connecticut’s persistent claim that the German immigrant flew the first manned flight two years before the Wright brothers, the First Flight Foundation […]

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Flood insurance rates will spike forsome, but not all, property owners

Drastic increases in flood insurance policy rates are looming for a small percentage of property owners, especially those who own older houses below base flood level or second homes in flood zones. But most people won’t be facing the astronomical spikes in their insurance bills that some fear. “Eighty-one percent of the properties are going […]

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Critical projects on Highway 12 move along despite legal challenges to bridge replacement

 Despite two lawsuits that have stymied progress on the replacement bridge over Oregon Inlet, the state Department of Transportation is moving along with several critical projects on the highway south of the bridge. A contract to construct a permanent bridge over the new inlet in Pea Island was advertised for bids by the department this […]

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Legal challenges in state courts could bog down replacing Bonner Bridge for several more years

A little more than a week after Outer Bankers applauded a federal judge’s strong ruling in favor of plans to replace the Bonner Bridge, the glow has dimmed with the realization that other legal action potentially could prevent construction for years.  “It absolutely could,” said Shelley Blake, general counsel for North Carolina Department of Transportation. […]

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