Ocracokers turn out in force to oppose increase in ferry tolls

Ocracokers are feeling like the critters in the carnival game “Whack-a-Mole” as they grapple with the looming increase in ferry tolls on the Swan Quarter and Cedar Island ferries mandated by the state legislature last summer.  Ocracokers are feeling like the critters in the carnival game “Whack-a-Mole” as they grapple with the looming increase in […]

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Award-winning Ocracoke ranger is known for his boundless energy and gregarious nature By CONNIE LEINBACH

Award-winning Ocracoke ranger is known for his boundless energy and gregarious nature By CONNIE LEINBACH By CONNIE LEINBACH By CONNIE LEINBACH Ocracoke park ranger supervisor Kenneth C. Ballance never expected to be honored with a national award for excellence in the field of rangering. Ocracoke park ranger supervisor Kenneth C. Ballance never expected to be […]

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UPDATE: Ocracoke’s Charles Temple loses first round in ‘Jeopardy!’ Tournament of Champions

By CONNIE LEINBACH By CONNIE LEINBACH The Ocracoke community gave a standing ovation to high school English teacher Charles Temple in Gaffer’s Sports Pub Wednesday night after he lost in the first round on the “Jeopardy!” Tournament of Champions. Temple, 39, is among 15 contestants vying for the grand prize of $250,000.   In May, […]

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UPDATE: Ocracoke’s Charles Temple on “Jeopardy!” Wednesday, Nov. 2.

Ocracoke high school English teacher will play in the first round of the “Jeopardy!” Tournament of Champions on the show’s first night, Wednesday, Nov. 2. “Jeopardy!” is reuniting 15 of its recent champions for a head-to-head competition for a chance to win $250,000. The 2011 Tournament of Champions will feature the show’s recent highest money […]

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