A community Thanksgiving for Ocracoke will be courtesy of many friends

Since Hurricane Dorian devastated Ocracoke on Sept. 6, many friends from near and far have come to the island’s aid, and more are on the way to create a community Thanksgiving feast. The meal will be from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Berkley Barn, and is for residents, non-resident property owners, and temporary volunteers […]

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What to expect, what’s open when Ocracoke opens Dec. 2

Now that Ocracoke Island will open to visitors on Dec. 2, the island will look very different as repairing and rebuilding activities from the inundation Sept. 6 by Hurricane Dorian will continue for many months. Debris from building tear-outs and demolition will be along the roads throughout the village. So extreme caution is advised. As […]

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Ocracoke School PTA gets large donation from disaster relief volunteers

Susan Peoples was so charmed by Ocracoke when she volunteered to help with Hurricane Dorian relief that she wanted her home community to help the island further, and the church came through with an unexpected sum. Peoples, who lives in Louisburg, Franklin County, told her church congregation at the Louisburg Baptist Church about the flooding […]

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Ocracoke rebuilds after Dorian devastation

Since Hurricane Dorian flooded her Lighthouse Road home, like other islanders some of Rachel O’Neal’s days are good and others are bad. On the bad days, she’s had panic attacks contemplating the future, she explained on Tuesday while picking up a free lunch of grilled chicken prepared by the Hope Mennonite Church of Pantego. “I’ve […]

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Ocracoke Strong kitchen continues to fill a need; outside groups welcome

Almost two months after Hurricane Dorian inundated the island, a lot of Ocracoke islanders still rely on the free meals provided by many friends at the Ocracoke Strong kitchen in the Community Center. In addition to those provided by the Salvation Army and the Baptists on Mission, cooked meals began spontaneously a few days after […]

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Hyde commissioners lift alcohol ban, get update on hurricane damage

The Hyde County commissioners, at their Oct. 7 meeting, agreed to life the ban on alcohol sales on Ocracoke during the Hurricane Dorian emergency as of Monday (Oct. 14). The commissioners also discussed lifting the evacuation order at their meeting this month since two petitions had circulated on the island. One, signed by about 28 […]

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A few Ocracoke Island restaurants gear back up with limited menus

Updated:  The Magic Bean Coffee Bazaar was open but is closed while the floors are being replaced.  Food is nourishment and Daphne Bennink, owner of the Back Porch Restaurant, is helping to nourish Ocracoke again following the devastation of Hurricane Dorian. Getting islanders back to work fast was key when Bennink gathered the restaurants and […]

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Cooper returns to Ocracoke; FEMA approval still pending

A portion of the disaster declaration for public assistance on Ocracoke following devastating flooding by Hurricane Dorian Sept. 6 has been approved President Donald Trump. Although Gov. Roy Cooper, in a return trip to Ocracoke today, told islanders gathered outside the Ocracoke Volunteer Fire Department, that no FEMA Public Assistance request had been approved, newly […]

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OCBA cancels island-wide yard sale, Blackbeard’s Pirate Jamboree

Due to the extensive damage to Ocracoke’s homes, businesses and infrastructure by Hurricane Dorian on Sept. 6 and the uncertainty of when visitors can safely return to the island, the island-wide yard sale scheduled Saturday and this year’s Blackbeard’s Pirate Jamboree have been canceled. The jamboree produced as a weekend event at the end of […]

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