Local organization Hatteras Island Meals (HIM) was recently honored at the 5th Annual Inspiration Awards, an annual event that is orchestrated by the American Association of Retired Person (AARP) in Coastal North Carolina.
At a September awards ceremony, HIM representatives Mike Tidd, Shelly Tidd, Cathy Diemer, and Maria Gould accepted the AARP’s 2024 “Creative Community Partnership Award” on behalf of the HIM organization.
The winners were each nominated by the public for their work to make North Carolina’s hometowns and rural communities better for all ages, while supporting local residents and family caregivers.
“Hatteras Island Meals has been stalwart in its dedication and resolve in serving and helping neighbors who would otherwise go overlooked,” stated the AARP in the award announcement.
“Their mission has always been to serve anyone on Hatteras Island who has difficulty accessing food, is unable to or has no help with preparing nutritious meals, requires short-term assistance while recovering from an illness or medical condition, or needs help with meals over the long term to help ensure their food and nutritional security while allowing them to remain in their own homes safely and with dignity.”
“Hatteras Island Meals delivers balanced and nutritious mid-day meals to clients 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. HIM is an all-volunteer staffed, donation-funded, home-grown organization born of need to assist folks in a rather remote and vulnerable community. Meal preparation is contracted through local restaurants, picked-up and delivered by volunteers, and there is never a cost to clients. A friendly and familiar face also provides an invaluable in-home visit, wellness check, and a few minutes of conversation.”
Meanwhile, time is running out to purchase raffle tickets for HIM’s annual fall fundraiser
Hatteras Island Meals’ annual raffle is still underway, and 2024 is already proving to be a banner year for the event, with prizes pouring in from dozens of Hatteras Island businesses.
In fact, organizers estimate that this could be one of the biggest years yet for the popular annual event, and the exact prize packages are still unknown as more prizes continue to be added to the pot.
Like many local nonprofit organizations, HIM relies on fundraising initiatives to keep their day-to-day operations rolling, and their annual raffle is a primary source of their yearly funds.
While time is running out to purchase tickets for the raffle – with the drawing scheduled for October 12 – folks can still pick up tickets at the following locations and dates.
- Tuesday, October 1, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Sandbar Restaurant & Hatteras Sol
- Wednesday, October 2, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Ace Hardware in Avon
- Saturday, October 5, and Monday, October 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Conner’s Supermarket
Tickets are one for $10, or four for $35, and 100% of proceeds go to Hatteras Island Meals, Inc.
For updates on the raffle from Hatteras Island Meals, (including new prizes as they continue to pour in), visit https://www.facebook.com/HatterasIslandMeals.