Organizers of the first-ever 2022 Run the Rodanthe Bridge 5-mile and 5K race recently announced that the event has reached its maximum of 600 entrants as of Wednesday night, Feb 16.
The race will take place on the nearly-completed Jug Handle Bridge, and although the official date of the event has not been set due to ongoing construction, the event has clearly generated interest, doubling its original expected estimate of 300 max participants.

A waiting list has been created in order to have entries available when the race date is announced. All participants who are already entered will have a three-day right to opt out of the event if the date creates a scheduling conflict. Per organizers, as of Friday, there are currently 100 people on the “stand by” list.
“There is no doubt this event could have easily reached 800 plus,” stated the RWS Civic Association in an emailed update. “It is typical in the running community that once a date is announced, many people decide the date [works] and sign on at the last minute. The reason for the cut-off was to ensure the safety of all participants and to be able to provide adequate parking for everyone.”
Volunteers are still being welcomed, as organizers have many needs such as setting up the start/finish area, setting up tables for when the runners return, directing traffic and ushering cars to available parking options, dispersing water, and distributing medals as the run/walkers complete the event. There will be a food court that will need volunteer attendants as well.
A post-race party will be held at the RWS Community Building lot, with music, beer, hot sandwiches, coleslaw, chips, beans, and more. All finishers will receive a Bridge Medal, and registered runners will also receive a souvenir long-sleeved T-shirt.
For more information or to sign up as a sponsor or volunteer, visit The race benefits the Rodanthe-Waves-Salvo (RWS) Civic Association, which hosts a number of events and community initiatives every year.
The date of the race will be announced as soon as a bridge opening date has been set. A Community Day where the public can walk or ride a bike on the bridge is also being planned, per an announcement from Dare County Board of Commissioners Chairman Bob Woodard at his January State of the County presentation.