Island History: A spotlight on stories from the Outer Banks’ Life-Saving Service

The Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station (CLSS) is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, as one of the seven original Life-Saving Stations to be built in North Carolina in 1874.
As such, the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station and Historic Site in Rodanthe will be sharing stories about the seven 1874 Outer Banks stations in the months ahead, leading up to the official October celebration of the United States Life-Saving Stations’ 150th anniversary in the state.
The following is the next of these Life-Saving Station feature articles to honor the #LegacyofLifeSaving, written by Jen Carlson for CLSS.
All in a Day’s Work at the Chicamacomico Coast Guard Station
Sometimes it’s all about doing the unexpected: In the afternoon of June 26, 1926, the Chicamacomico Coast Guard Station boarded a supply boat about two miles west of the station.
The Officer in Charge reported the vessel was transporting a sick passenger, Mrs. Ora Best, to her home in Buxton, but the weather had forced him to turn back.
Captain John A. Midgett, Jr. and the OIC determined it would be best to transport Mrs. Best by land, so she was transferred from the supply boat to the station motorboat to return to the station. Captain Johnny and Surfman Dewey Midgett then transported Mrs. Best to her home via a Ford car and she was very thankful to them for taking her home.
The Long Game – a historic rescue by the Kitty Hawk Life-Saving Station
In the wee hours of October 3, 1883, a patrolman for the Kitty Hawk Life-Saving Station discovered the schooner Luola Murchison stranded close to the station.
Keeper James R. Hobbs decided to launch the surfboat, and about an hour after initial notification, the crew arrived and boarded the vessel.

They immediately assisted the Murchison crew in running the anchor offshore to keep the vessel from working higher up the beach.
Shortly after, the Kill Devil Hills crew arrived on the scene to assist, and at the request of the ship’s master, the crews landed only the personal effects of the eight sailors on board.
After the transfer of baggage was complete, the Kill Devil Hills crew returned to Station #13 but the Kitty Hawk crew continued to keep watch in case they needed to head back out for further assistance. They also sent word to Norfolk that a wrecking steamer would be necessary.
Late the following afternoon, the Murchison fell over on her starboard side and was breached by the rough waves. Her master signaled his wish to abandon ship, but this time, the sea was too rough for the surfboat.
The Murchison crew was brought to safety via the breeches buoy and was taken to the station to wait for the wrecking steamer. Two days after the initial incident, the V. J. Peed arrived on the scene and the surfmen transported the Murchison crew to board the Peed to assist in the salvage efforts of their vessel. For nearly two months, the wrecking company made strenuous efforts to get her off the ground but eventually, on November 20, 1883, she bilged, and all further efforts had to be abandoned.
The hull and cargo of phosphate were a complete loss but the sails, rigging, and outfit were saved. During that interim period, the Kitty Hawk crew assisted in the efforts to salvage the vessel and provided shelter for the sailors and wreckers when the weather forced operations to be suspended and the crews had to seek refuge on shore.