Ocracoke pony herd has a new member
On May 7, 2017, a pony named Jitterbug, originally from Shackleford Banks, gave birth to the newest foal on Ocracoke. School students on Ocracoke Island helped name the pony, Jobelle, which is the local name for gaillardia flowers (common name blanket flowers). Rayo, a direct descendant of the original Ocracoke ponies, is Jobelle’s father.
Born on a cool May night, Jobelle will not stray far from her mother’s side for at least six months and will join the rest of the herd sometime in the late fall of 2017.
For more park information relating to the Ocracoke ponies and how you can participate in the “Adopt-A-Pony” program, go to https://www.nps.gov/caha/learn/historyculture/ocracokeponies.htm or call 252-928-5111.