Fort Raleigh National Historic Site invites public comments on preliminary alternatives to stabilize shoreline

Fort Raleigh National Historic Site (Fort Raleigh) invites public comments on three preliminary alternatives for stabilizing approximately one mile of its shoreline. Public comment on the preliminary alternatives is open from Jan. 8-Feb. 7, 2025.
Erosion along a section of Fort Raleigh’s shoreline poses a serious threat to potential archeologically significant sites and park facilities. Without action, the erosion will most likely continue, potentially jeopardizing the Waterside Theatre’s costume shop and parking lot, park roadways and park housing along Pear Pad Road.
Three preliminary alternatives are available for public comment in the Shoreline Stabilization for Erosion Control public scoping newsletter at Comments received through this public scoping period may be used by Fort Raleigh as it develops an environmental assessment.
A public meeting to discuss Fort Raleigh’s shoreline erosion and the preliminary alternatives is scheduled for 6-7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, at Fort Raleigh’s Visitor Center, 1500 Fort Raleigh Road, Manteo, North Carolina.
Public participation is an important element of the planning process, and Fort Raleigh welcomes comments on the public scoping newsletter through Feb. 7, 2025. Comments may be submitted electronically, the preferred method, or mailed to: Superintendent, 1401 National Park Dr., Manteo, N.C. 27954.