Lady Canes Fall Short, but Islanders Celebrate a Spectacular Season

The Lady Canes ended their 25 game undefeated streak on Tuesday evening in a tough fourth round playoff game against the Pamlico County Hurricanes, but islanders are brimming with pride at the impressive run that took the Canes deep into the playoffs.
The Lady Canes were the only team – boys or girls – in northeastern North Carolina’s three high school conferences to make it to the fourth round of the NCHSAA championships, and they ended the season with a stellar 25-1 record.
The 1A East top-seed Pamlico County Hurricanes got an early lead on Tuesday evening that they were able to maintain throughout the game, with a final score of 46-28. The Lady Canes made a solid showing and gave the inland hurricanes a run for their money, with Caroline Gray scoring 15 points, Lexus Meekins scoring 5 points, and Morgan Fairbanks scoring 4 points.
Islanders made the more than three-hour drive to Bayboro to cheer on their home team Hurricanes, and many more watched the game on social media via live feeds and updates.
The loss certainly didn’t diminish the local pride, and live and virtual spectators had nothing but praise by the end of the game.
“What an incredible season for the Canes,” said one fan. “They are rock stars! And we are so proud of them!”
“What an astonishing accomplishment! You Lady Canes have raised up our entire community, and brought out an incredible energy to our small town,” read a social media post by the Cape Hatteras Elementary PTA. “We couldn’t be any prouder of each and every one of you. Lady Canes rock! Thank you for taking all of us on such an amazing ride.”
It’s a feeling that echoes throughout Hatteras Island, as Coach Earl Fountain and the team of athletes have made Hatteras Islanders incredibly proud. Well done, Lady Canes!
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