After months of uncertainty, Avon’s 4th of July Fireworks Show will go on for 2024

The Avon Property Owners Association (APOA) recently announced that despite longstanding fears that the annual Independence Day fireworks display in Avon would be canceled due to a lack of funds, the show will go on as scheduled in 2024.
“After a season of uncertainty, two stories in the Island Free Press, and many meetings held by the APOA, we are excited to announce that the Hatteras Island Fireworks Show is now scheduled to happen on July 4th, 2024, with a rain date of July 5th,” stated the APOA in a press release.
“What has changed? Thanks to the spotlight on the issue at hand, and the realization that the fireworks show could be canceled due to lack of donations, we have seen a boost in both personal and business donations made to the event. This shows just how important this event is to the public, locals and visitors alike. Many consider the fireworks show a family tradition and a reason to spend the day or the week on Hatteras Island.”
In recent years, the annual fireworks display was presented and launched by contractor PyroTechnico. However, after years of inflation, the APOA decided that it was time to explore additional options.
“After months of thorough research, estimates, and board meetings, it was finally settled and APOA decided to contract with a different pyrotechnics company this year,” stated APOA. “On January 24, 2024, [APOA President] Terry Ponton signed a two-year contract with PyroStar, locking in a predetermined price for the following 2025 show as well. This is good news for the [APOA] Board, with a definite figure set in concrete. The estimated cost of the show was originally sitting at $37,790.00 and is now $32,540.00 with PyroStar.
“PyroStar is a family-owned business out of Newton, N.C. They take pride in their safety, stating that ‘our displays are not only conducted with the highest regard to safety, but exceed standards set forth by the NFPA 1123 Code for Display Fireworks.’”

The APOA emphasized in the announcement that they are grateful to everyone who made a donation in order to make the show possible.
“It really is amazing, and really shows us just how important it is to people,” said Rick Anzolut, member of the APOA Board.
While the APOA stated that it feels confident enough to make a contract for the fireworks for 2024, (due to recent contributions as well as a generous 2023 grant from the Outer Banks Tourism Board), the fundraising efforts continue, and additional funds are needed to create a sustainable solution for fireworks in the years ahead.
As such, the Hatteras Island Fireworks Committee is now diligently approaching more local businesses to see if they will help sponsor the crowd-attracting event. The Fireworks Committee has also created enticing sponsorship packages, planned future events, and launched other fundraising opportunities to be held through the summer of 2024, in hopes of building a reserve for future shows.
How you can help:
- Individuals and businesses can make online donations now at
- Businesses that want to make a pledge, (which won’t be due until later in 2024), can do so by emailing with their pledge amount.
- Donations can also be made via checks to the following address: APOA-Fireworks, P.O. Box 9, Avon, NC 27915. Checks can be made out to APOA with “fireworks” in the memo line.
What a complete waste of $32,000 for a few minutes of entertainment.
But beyond their ridiculous expense, the fireworks cause severe fright for many animals, both domestic and wild, not to mention ruining the peace and tranquility found here.
Who does this silly display truly benefit? Well, the very group of greedy realtors who are bent on making Avon and Hatteras Island a commercial carnival that (they hope) one day will rival Myrtle Beach and the Jersey Shore. The group that supports and dictates the aims of the Avon Home Owners Association.
It is long past time to stand up and stop those commercial interests bent on destroying the very thing that gives Hatteras its unique charm: that is its quiet, remote and natural beauty.
This before our beautiful island is destroyed by those who care nothing about Hatteras or the OBX.
Mistyped: Should read the Avon PROPERTY Owners Association. It’s not even necessary to live here, rather just squeeze our island dry from abroad.