Coast Guard Assists Vessel Close to Oregon Inlet Station

At approximately 6:14 p.m. on Tuesday evening, U.S. Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet received a call via a landline from a vessel that had ran aground on a shoal near the end of the Walter Slough channel in the Oregon Inlet area. The call came from three people aboard a 28 ft. aluminum boat.
Because the channel is located so close to the Oregon Inlet Station, Coast Guard personnel were able to quickly launch their 24536 SPC-SW (Special Purpose Craft-Shallow Water) vessel, and were able to promptly assist the stranded boat.
Once on scene, the 24536 crew passed a tow line over to the vessel and were able to successfully remove them from the shoal.
“This environment can be challenging during the night and in times of reduced visibility,” said the Oregon Inlet Coast Guard Station in an online statement, “so we were happy to provide assistance to those in need. Bravo Zulu team on a job well done! “