The North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Ferry Division will be ramping up to the summer season by implementing an interim spring schedule on its Hatteras-Ocracoke route from May 5-11. Due to unplanned maintenance needs, the full summer schedule will be delayed a week, taking effect May 12. The interim schedule will increase the number of scheduled […]
Local News | Full Article
Outer Banks Angling: It’s getting hot out there

The spring has been good to anglers thus far this year. Overall, the weather has been nice and the fishing has been good. Pier fishing seems to have been real good recently. Anglers on both Rodanthe and Avon piers have seen their fair share of sea mullet and blow toads, along with some good runs […]
Fishing | Full Article
Douglas Edward Dorris

FRISCO– Douglas Edward Dorris Sr., 72, died on April 30, 2015 at the OuterBanks Hospital. A native of Hatteras, he was the son of the late WalterE. Moscardini and Zilphia Gaskins Moscardini. Douglas was a tug boatcaptain and a member of Little Grove United Methodist Church and CapeHatteras Masonic Lodge #698 AF&AM. Douglas is survived […]
Obituaries | Full Article
NPS releases proposed changes to wildlife protection buffers
The National Park Service today released proposals for how it will comply with changes in wildlife protections on the Cape Hatteras National Seashore that are required by legislation passed last December by the U.S. Congress. Among other things, the Cape Hatteras National Seashore legislation, passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Bill, instructs the […]
Seashore News | Full Article
State makes proposals to Park Service on wildlife buffers

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has made its recommendations to the National Park Service on how it should respond to requirements in legislation passed in December by Congress that requires some changes in the seashore’s Off-Road Vehicle Plan. Among other things, the Cape Hatteras National Seashore legislation, passed as part of the National Defense […]
Seashore News | Full Article
Hatteras veterans now have a place to call home

The room just off the dining area of the Hatterasman Drive-In was filled with about a dozen people on a recent April afternoon. There were men and women from their late 20s or early 30s to retired. There was small talk, a lot of catching up on local events and what the kids are doing. […]
Island Features | Full Article
266 runners of all ages compete in Ocracoke races

It was sports day on Ocracoke Saturday as 266 runners of all ages competed in the Foothills Brewing 5K/10K races in the morning and children competed on the new ball field in the afternoon. Keith Gray, 50, of Buxton, won the 10K in the men’s division, with a time of 37:25. It was his first […]
Ocracoke Island Features | Full Article
Legislative Update: Lawmakers racing the clock to get bills moved

(Sandy Semans is a retired newspaper editor and reporter who now works as a free-lance writer. She lives in Stumpy Point. Her update on the goings-on in this session of the General Assembly will appear weekly in The Island Free Press, usually on Friday.)
A pivotal point for Park Service and access advocates
A year ago, most advocates for more reasonable public access to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore beaches were more or less resigned to the fact that there would not be changes to the 2012 Off-Road Vehicle Plan until a five-year review in 2017. Efforts over more than five years to change the plan legislatively had […]
Editor’s Blog | Full Article
A humdinger winter for hummers

Stepping out onto my front porch on Ocracoke, I did a double-take. Looking again, I confirmed what I saw. A hummingbird was hovering nearby and perusing my late blooming lantana. It was unusual to see hummers here, even in the summer — and this was late December. Hummingbirds were not supposed to be here in […]
Island Features | Full Article