Dare County is pleased to announce that the Dare County Finance Department has been awarded the prestigious Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting—the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting—by the Government Finance Officers Association for the 32nd consecutive year.
The county received the award in recognition of its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report—a detailed document that provides an overview of the county’s financial activities, position and performance for a specific year—for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2022.
Dare County Board of Commissioners Chairman Bob Woodard presented the award to Dare County Finance Director David Clawson and Assistant Finance Director Sally DeFosse at the Dare County Board of Commissioners meeting that was held at 9 a.m. on Monday, November 6, 2023.
The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program was established by the Government Finance Officers Association in 1945 in an effort to encourage state and local governments to go above and beyond the minimum requirements by preparing an annual comprehensive financial report that is fully transparent and also embodies the spirit of full disclosure to the community it serves.

“The goal of the program is not to assess the financial health of our local government but instead to ensure that members of the community are able to do so themselves using all of the financial information that’s been translated into a single comprehensive document that’s easy for our citizens to read,” said Woodard. “As you all know, the financial health of our community is one of the most important things that this board has to take a look at on a consistent basis, [and we] strive to make this happen year after year.”
In order to be eligible for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the Dare County Finance Department is tasked with taking an assortment of complicated financial information and transforming it into a single, comprehensive document that is easy for citizens to not only access but also to navigate and understand, regardless of their level of familiarity with financial concepts.
Producing an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report that meets the extensive requirements to be considered for the award represents a significant accomplishment by a local government and its management—particularly when it is achieved every year for more than three decades.
As he presented the award to Finance Director David Clawson and Assistant Finance Director Sally DeFosse, Woodard commented, “On behalf of our board, David, I want to congratulate you and Sally—and your staff—for making this achievement year after year after year. Thank you and your staff for the job that you do. It’s incredible, and we’re fortunate to have you guys.”

To view Dare County’s award-winning Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2022, please click the button below.