Avon Volunteer Fire Department delivers community donations to Helene’s victims

The Avon Volunteer Fire Department Chief Frankie Hopkins, Assistant Chief Andrew Dickerson, and Firefighter Ryan Albaugh delivered donations to Black Mountain on Tuesday to help victims of Hurricane Helene.
The three men left for western North Carolina early Tuesday morning and returned Wednesday evening.

Community members donated water, drinks, fruit, snacks, non-perishable food, toiletries, clothes, batteries, tarps, medical supplies, cleaning supplies, and pet food to the fire department on Saturday and Sunday.
“We’re thankful to a very generous community for the donations,” Hopkins said. “If anyone knows what it’s like to go through a devastating storm, it’s the Outer Banks.”
The Avon Volunteer Fire Department donated two pallets of water and 100 storm buckets filled with cleaning supplies, which were leftover from Hurricane Irene.
During their weekly training on Monday, eight members of the Avon Volunteer Fire Department loaded the donations onto two of the department’s trucks and a 24-foot trailer, which Dickerson provided.
Dare County has sent several emergency units to the western part of the state since Hurricane Helene hit the area on Sept. 27.
Four linemen, a supervisor, and three trucks from the Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative headed to Western North Carolina to help restore power to the region, Island Free Press reported.

On Sept. 28, four first responders from the county’s Emergency Medical Services deployed to Rutherford County. The next day, five sheriff deputies from the county’s Sheriff’s Office deployed to Henderson County, Island Free Press reported.
Dare County officials encourage residents to donate to Hurricane Helene relief and recovery efforts.
To donate to the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund go to nc.gov/donate or send a check to
- NC Disaster Relief Fund, 20312 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-0312
- NC Disaster Relief Fund, c/o United Way of NC, 1130 Kildaire Farm Road, Suite 100, Cary NC 27511
To volunteer for relief and recovery efforts with North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster go to ncvoad.org/volunteer.