Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station’s 150th Anniversary Celebration is this weekend

2024 marks the 150th anniversary of North Carolina’s first seven Life-Saving Stations, and the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station in Rodanthe is hosting a two-day celebration on October 12-13 to mark the milestone.
The United States Life-Saving Service was the precursor to the modern U.S. Coast Guard, and in 1848, the U.S. Government provided funds to New Jersey to establish life-saving services along its coast.

By 1874, funds were appropriated to build seven stations on the coast of North Carolina, due to the region’s centuries-long reputation as the Graveyard of the Atlantic.
Chicamacomico was the first of the seven stations to be fully operational, and it is the only station that now serves as a full-time public museum and Outer Banks attraction.
The upcoming anniversary celebration and commemoration, which will be held on the grounds of the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station, has a range of events and activities to honor the station’s past and present.
“Saturday will be all about the way it was back then,” said John Griffin, Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station Executive Director, in an earlier interview. “Sunday will be more about the way things are done now.”
The schedule includes a wealth of special guests, presentations, activities, and educational programs.
The two-day schedule is below, and folks can learn more about the Oct. 12-13 event, as well as the Chicamacomico station’s distinctive role in Outer Banks and American history, by visiting the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station’s website.
Saturday, October 12
The Way It Was Done Back Then
9:00 a.m. – Flag Raising with Piper Ryan Leigh and Bonnie Pugh Somers (Descendant of Benjamin Pugh-Keeper of the 1874 Station)
9:00 a.m. – Chicamacomico open for Tours
9:30 a.m. – D. Christian Thompson will give a porch talk about research and restoration of the 1874 Station
11:00 a.m. – Kevin Duffus will present “Unheralded Heroes: The Cape Fear Life-Savers of 1893 at the RWS Community Building
12:15 p.m. – Grab lunch on your own or from one of the Food Trucks on the lawn of the Community Building.
1:15 p.m. – Beach Apparatus Drill (Rescue Drill)
2:30 p.m. – M/C Carl Smith CDR USCG (ret)
- Presentation of Colors by Camden HS USCG Jr ROTC
- National Anthem sung by Caitlyn Gray
- Invocation Reverend Pam Stoffel
- Welcome CHA President Larry Grubbs
- Representing Local Surfmen Descendent Jackie Wenberg
- NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Education Curator Ben Wunderly
- NPS Superintendent Dave Hallac
- Master Chief Christopher Hinote (The USCG Ancient Keeper)
- USCG District 5 Commander RADM John “Jay” Vann (Keynote)
- Patriotic Music will be provided by members of the CHSSCS band. The USCG will conduct a Flyover during the afternoon.
4 p.m. – Recitation of Eternal Father, Lord of Hosts/Tolling of the Bell ends Program.
Sunday, October 13
The Way It’s Done Today
8:30 a.m. – Breakfast at the RWS Community Building ($15/person: limited to 100) Admission in advance through Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station.
9:00 a.m. – Flag Raising/Chicamacomico open for Tours
- USCG Auxiliary will have an information booth throughout the morning, along with Sammy the Sea Otter.
- Ocean Rescue and SARS Demonstrations have been cancelled due to debris.
- There will be static display of USCG helicopter and motor surfboat and of equipment used in Water Rescue.
12:00 p.m. – Lunch on your own or from the Food Trucks
1:30 p.m. – Choose your History Tour
- Hatteras Island (Little Kinnakeet LSS-Sun 1:30 only, Hatteras Light, Native American Museum, Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum-Mon only, Lost Colony Museum
- Upper Beach (Bodie Light, Kitty Hawk LSS/Black Pelican Restaurant, Jockey’s Ridge State Park, Wright Bros Memorial)
- Manteo (NPS Freedom Trail, Richard Etheridge Grave, History Center (Monday Only)6
- Pea Island Cookhouse Museum (Sunday Only, 3-5)
Monday October 14
- Rain date for Sunday Programs
- Continue Choose your History Tours
Unanticipated operational needs of the USCG take precedent over demonstrations and displays. Suggested Tour Sites, to the best of organizers’ knowledge, will be open for visitation as indicated above. Calling to confirm is recommended. This event is supported by the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau.