Dare County Vaccinates 500 Individuals at Buxton Clinic

The Dare County Department of Health and Human Services vaccinated a total of 500 individuals at a vaccine clinic held at the Fessenden Center in Buxton on Saturday, January 16, per a recent online update.
Future vaccine clinics will be held throughout the Outer Banks on an ongoing basis, based on the county’s weekly allocation of the vaccine from the state.
With a recent statewide change to the Vaccine Prioritization Phases from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), all healthcare workers and individuals 65 years of age and older may now receive the vaccine. As a result, Dare County is now accepting vaccine appointment requests for individuals who fall within this age group. (Before last week’s revisions, vaccines for N.C. residents were restricted to individuals who were 75-years-old or older.)
Healthcare workers and N.C. residents and property owners at least 65 years of age may submit a request for a vaccination appointment within Dare County at www.darenc.com/Register4Vaccine, or by calling the COVID-19 call center at 252-475-5008.
Dare County DHHS receives a limited supply of vaccines on a weekly basis from the state. As such, appointments will be scheduled for individuals from the appropriate phase as the local vaccine supply allows. Based on the anticipated number of individuals in the current phase, (Phase 2), Dare County anticipates it could take 6-8 weeks before all individuals in this group who wish to be vaccinated receive one.
For more information or details on the various Phases, and who falls under which Phase, visit www.darenc.com/covidvaccine.