County Commissioners Take a Step Towards Acquiring Funds for Hatteras Pathway

The Dare County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution at their June 17 meeting to submit an application for the federal BUILD Grant in an effort to secure funding for the Hatteras village multi-use path project. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s BUILD Grant program provides funding for projects that have a significant local or regional […]

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42 Seniors Receive Diplomas at Cape Hatteras Graduation ….WITH SLIDE SHOW

42 members of the Class of 2019 at Cape Hatteras Secondary School received their diplomas at the commencement ceremonies on Saturday evening, June 15. The Class of 2019 marched into and out of the William P. Dillon Memorial Gymnasium to the traditional “Pomp and Circumstance,” played by the Cape Hatteras Secondary School Graduation Band, which […]

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