Dare County provides updates on local services, including sanitation, medical facilities and county departments

Per a Thursday afternoon update, Dare County is taking actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing and offering services in alternative ways.
As the situation progresses, office closures may occur, however, services will continue to be provided. For any type of service, please call the department or office before you visit to reduce the need for in-person interactions. While there may be changes to some programs and services, County staff will continue to provide essential operations for our residents and businesses. For a full listing of departments and online services, visit www.darenc.com/covidservices.
Public Works – Trash Collection and Recycling in Unincorporated Dare
Sanitation Services are running on a normal schedule. Recycle Centers are open and operating during normal hours. At this time, recycling pick up services for commercial businesses is not available.
Dare County Libraries
All library locations are closed and programs and events are cancelled. If you currently have library materials checked out, no overdue fines will be charged while the libraries are closed. Dare County Libraries offers a variety of digital offerings through the Virtual Library.
If you need assistance or are unsure how to use our online resources, please call any of the Dare County Libraries during weekday hours and a staff person will be happy to set up your account, and tell you more about our digital resources. For contact information please visit darenc.com/library.
Health and Human Services
- Food and Nutrition Benefits Recertifications
Food and Nutrition Services will automatically extend eligibility for March and April Food benefits for families whose cases are due a review for continued eligibility. If you have questions please call 252.475.5500. If you wish to apply for Food and Nutrition Services you may do so online at Epass.nc.gov.
- Clinical Services
Northern Beach Offices will be closed for clinical services beginning Friday, March 20, 2020. Limited clinical services will be available in Manteo and Frisco. For clinical services, please call 252.475.5003 for Manteo or 252.475.9320 for Frisco.
- Environmental Health Services
Environmental Health will be conducting all future business over the phone or electronically until further notice. Applications and plans can be left in a drop box located to the right of the main entrance. In person inspections must be scheduled ahead of time, and will be on a case by case basis. Please call 252.475.5080 or email laurag@darenc.com
- Emergency Economic Services
We have temporarily changed some of our procedures to ensure your health and wellness as well as that of our staff. At this time, please call before coming into the office, as most needs can be resolved via email, fax and phone. If you are in need of assistance, please dial 252.475.5500 and ask to speak with an emergency intake social worker.
Parks and Recreation
All programs are cancelled and all facilities are closed. County parks remain open, but public restroom facilities are not available. Please remember to use social distancing and stay 6-10 feet away from other people. Registration for summer programs and activities is available online.
Public Services
The Dare County Center, Fessenden Center, and Thomas A. Baum Senior Center are closed. At this time, the Dare County Center and the Baum Center will continue the Senior Nutrition Program, delivering meals to homebound clients and providing drive through pickup lunches to anyone 60 years of age and over. For more information, please call 252.475.9270.
Building or subcontractor permits can be requested by calling the Dare County Planning Department. Arrangements will be made for the issuance of the permit.
- Mainland Dare County, Roanoke Island – 252.475.5870
- Colington/Baum Bay, Martin’s Point – 252.475.5871
- Hatteras Island – 252.475.5878
Tax Department
The mapping, assessment, land transfer, tax collections and tax listing lobbies are closed to visitors. Contact the appropriate department for inquiries. The complete list of phone numbers and email contacts can be found online at the Tax Department tab on the darenc.com/covid-service-changes page. All tax payments can be made online, at the drop boxes, or by mail. Visit www.darenc.com/departments/tax-department/pay-taxes for more information on ways to pay.
Water Department
The Dare County Water Department has suspended all in-person access to its customer service offices.
Water bills can be paid in a variety of ways: online, by phone (to a toll free number), by mail, by bank automatic payment, at billing office drive-through areas, or by at a deposit box.
- Dare County Kill Devil Hills Office: 1.888.998.9283 or 1.252.475.5990
- Dare County Frisco Office: 1.877.613.4005 or 1.252.475.5760
- Email: water@darenc.com
The Outer Banks Hospital
The Outer Banks Hospital has implemented new visitor restrictions. Only one immediate family member over the age of 16 and not exhibiting any symptoms of illness may visit a patient at The Outer Banks Hospital and/or Medical Group clinic.
Starting today, Tuesday March 17, The Outer Banks Hospital will begin screening patients and visitors for symptoms of illness as they enter the Medical Office Building and Main Lobby. Patients and visitors with illness will be masked and asked to sanitize their hands prior to going to their appointment.
Surf Pediatrics and Medicine
Surf Pediatrics and Medicine will continue to see all of their patients in their practice; for both well and sick problems.
They will see well/ non-sick patients in the Kitty Hawk office (252.255.5321).
They will see sick patients in the Kill Devil Hills office (252.449.5200).
They do have the ability to screen and test patients for suspected COVID-19 illness. Please continue to call them if you are a patient to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions.
PORT Health
PORT Health is open and providing services. Next week virtual counseling and groups will be offered. Please call 252.441.2324 for more information.
Water and Sewer
Utility payments can be made online at HTTPS://WWW.PAYBILL.COM/TownOfManteo or by phone at 866-245-5285. Also, payments can be placed in the drop box on the side of Town Hall next to the parking lot, or they can be mailed to P.O. Box 246 in Manteo (27954).
Clean tap water and sanitary sewer service are important in maintaining public health. Therefore, the Town has suspended disconnection of water and sewer service during this emergency period. Please note that all utility fees will still be charged.
Trash and recycling collection services are continuing on their normal schedules.
Permits and Inspections
Permit applications and inspection requests can be sent via FAX to 252-473-2135, e-mailed to mdickerson@manteonc.gov, placed in the drop box on the side of Town Hall next to the parking lot, or mailed to P.O. Box 246 in Manteo (27954). Permit fees can be placed in the drop box or mailed to the post office box. If you have questions regarding your application, please call Town Hall at 252-473-2133.
Inspections are continuing, but contractors are expected to limit their presence to one or two people at most, with social distancing to be observed throughout the inspection.
Police Department
If you have an emergency, dial 911. For non-emergency situations, please call 252-473-2069 for assistance by the Manteo Police Department. Also, there is a call box located at the police department entrance, so please use this box especially if you are feeling ill or have been exposed to sickness.
In accordance with access restrictions under the Dare County emergency declaration, the Downtown Marina will prohibit visitors (from outside of Dare County) from docking or mooring at Town facilities.
Board Meetings
The Budget Retreat with the Board of Commissioners scheduled for March 27, 2020 has been postponed. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners scheduled for April 1, 2020 will be held via telephone conference or other means in accordance with NC General Statute 143.318.13. The public will be allowed to access or listen to the meeting, and the access numbers and information will be published as soon as possible.
National Park Service
To minimize potential spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), consistent with federal, state, and local advisories, visitor centers at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial are temporarily closed, effective immediately.
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
- Off-road vehicle (ORV) permits can be purchased online at www.recreation.gov. The status of each ORV ramp and beach route can be found at http://go.nps.gov/beachaccess.
- Beachgoers should use caution in the ocean as no lifeguards are on duty at this time of year.
- The Oregon Inlet Campground, the Seashore’s only year-round campground, is closed.
- The grounds of Bodie Island, Cape Hatteras, and Ocracoke Lighthouses are open.
- The Ocracoke Island roadside cleanup scheduled for March 26 is canceled.
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site
- The grounds of Fort Raleigh National Historic Site are open.
Wright Brothers National Memorial
- The collection of park entrance fees at Wright Brothers National Memorial is suspended until further notice.
- The grounds of Wright Brothers National Memorial are open.
The next bulletin will be issued no later than 1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 19.