Dare County Schools’ Student and Family Online Orientation Week Starts Monday

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dare County Schools (DCS) will be providing remote learning for students during the first nine weeks of the 2020-2021 school year.
DCS teachers have been working hard to prepare for the start of the school year, and it officially begins with a Remote Learning Orientation beginning on August 17 for all students and families.
On Monday, August 17, DCS will be posting teacher contact information on their website and all students will be able to spend the week learning how to use their teacher’s chosen remote learning management system. DSC will also be sharing a video from each school principal and each DCS teacher, and all students and families will be able to access the orientation by visiting the DCS website at https://www.daretolearn.org/.
During remote learning, students can expect to engage in an online community focused on core curriculum and aligned with the North Carolina Standards for Learning. The intent is to allow students to experience the Dare County instructional program online, and per DCS, the program will be more comprehensive this fall while still offering flexibility as parents support their children in at-home education.
The first day of new content instruction will be on Monday, August 24.
For more information on what to expect, students and families can review the Dare County Schools Remote Learning Guidebook at https://docs.google.com/document/d/10FvWpTTSkm5w3THeMyKkA7ERIVmIyfxfEtLai6s_SqI/edit.
The Student Meal Program will also continue in the 2020-2021 school year, and “Grab and Go” no-contact procedures will be in place at three locations in Dare County on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, which includes the Cape Hatteras Elementary School from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
For more information on the Student Meal Program, visit https://www.daretolearn.org/about/covid-19-information/student-meal-program.
What about all the kids that are left at home alone while parents work? Has been going on all summer, but now that school has started the kids will be expected to participate in online learning while home alone.